Free HD Movies, TV Shows & Anime on Android
Features :
Your New Entertainment Hub
Free HD Movies, TV Shows & Anime on Android
Clean Design
The App has a nice feel and look and is easy to navigate through
Chromecast Support
You can cast your Movies and TV Shows to the Big Screen with one click
Download & Watch Offline
You can download your show to watch them offline. You can download pause and resume download. You can also download multiple movie simultaneously
Subscribe To Your Shows
You can subscribe to your favorites shows and get push notifications when new episodes are available to watch
Awesome Look
Easy to use and easy to navigate through
Fixed Anime (Finally)
Fixed Openload links
"Clear Cache" will now also update App Data and you should use this Button whenever you're having issue with the App
Fixed Movie search from "Discover" section.
Fixed News list not updating
Fixed Anime playback on Chromecast
Fixed WWE not updating
Fixed Anime not playing on External Player
Fixed App crashing when Processor not compatible
Fixed Live Radio not displaying Pulse Animation
Added Twitter page link
Fixed Subtitles
Many other minor bugs removed
Improved Performance and Stability
★★★ PRO MOD Info ★★★
Based on PRO version;
Optimized graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Ads Removed;
Sponsored banner layout removed;
Disabled / Removed unwanted receivers and services;
All ads and services calls from Activity removed;
All ads banner layout in tablet mode removed;
Native mobvista + mopub + tapjoy ads banner layout removed;
Analytics disabled.